Why Confusing Approval Flows Are a Thing of The Past
As an event manager, you often have inexperienced coworkers coming to you to request their latest great idea for an event. Even if their idea was possible, they don’t realize that the AV lead, facilities lead, and the division supervisor need to approve the event. Event managers can quickly get frustrated trying to organize each event request in their inbox. It’s an extremely lengthy process - deciding whether or not to approve an event and then obtaining the proper sign off for approval.
It’s a headache-inducing process. And, not uncommon for the request to get lost along the way to approval, or for a declined request to induce an email flood of upset coworkers, even though you weren’t the one to decline the request. Miscommunication is prevalent, while organization is not.
A set, automated approval flow is a must for event managers to reduce stress, miscommunication, and lost event requests. Long email chains, forwarding requests, and tracking down the appropriate approval personnel is the last thing event managers should have to deal with.
EventOPS is here to help. With EventOPS, a requestor will fill out an online form (hey look at that, one less email!) Based off the information they enter, the request will automatically be sent to the appropriate people for approval. The event is approved or declined, with comments if necessary, and automatically sent to the requestor. Event managers no longer need to communicate with everyone via email during the event approval process, and requestors will know exactly why their event may have been declined.
A simple task of approving or declining an event has proven to be a strenuous process for event managers in the past, which is why we decided to help. Feel free to navigate to our features page to learn even more.