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Internal Event Managers - Most Common Phrases involving Logistic Issues

1. “The speaker is broken again, and nobody decided to tell me?” 

You spent three weeks planning an important event that even the company CEO will be attending. You made sure to test everything, and it’s all running smoothly. You noticed the previous week that some equipment wasn’t working up to standard, but it was all fixed and back in working order. The day of the event you do a walk through, go to test out the equipment one last time. You can’t find it. You check your management software and see the equipment is “under maintenance,” but you were never given any notification about it. Now what? 

2. “Where’d that &*^% microphone go?” 

Nothing is more frustrating than going through the painstaking process of getting every internal and external detail planned out for an event and the day before the event begins, you cannot find one small, but crucial, piece of equipment. You check three different spreadsheets; one says its already in the room you booked, another says someone else reserved the equipment, and the other spreadsheet says its under maintenance. So, now what? You can’t continue the event without the equipment, you have no idea which spreadsheet is most up-to-date, so your only solution is to go on a wild goose hunt to track down that $%&@ microphone. 

3. “I have to flip this room SIX times today?!” 

You knew you had a mass of events coming up this week, but you didn’t realize they all ended up being booked in the same room on the same day because the events were organized in different programs. You couldn’t see all of them at once to compare the dates, times, and rooms. Now, it’s Tuesday. You just realized you have six events in the same room with only 15 minutes to spare between each event. Help, please! 

4. “Hm let me go check one of my other 12 software programs to find out who booked that room” 

Your coworker reaches out asking if Red Room is available for an event this Friday. You navigate to your handy dandy spreadsheet and see that it is marked available, but your spidey senses are tingly - that just doesn’t seem right. You check another spreadsheet, which also says it’s available. You’re still a little uneasy, so you check another. Alas, that spreadsheet says the room is already booked on Friday. Now, you must devote three hours in a busy day to recheck the rest of your software systems to decipher what is accurate before approving or declining the latest event request. 

5. “You don’t have this room, I have this room!” 

Whoops, you’re both right. Somehow, you both requested the room and were both approved. You’re tired, stressed, and have no idea why your facilities management software allowed the room to be double booked. What’s even worse? This is the third time this has happened this week, too. 

We get it - managing internal facilities can be confusing, stressful, and headache-inducing. But with EventOPS, you can completely wipe these five phrases from your life. Never again will you overbook rooms, lose track of a piece of equipment, or switch between various software programs to organize your events.

Navigate to our features page to see the many ways EventOPS will improve your life.